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Weekly School Update 3/13/2025

Happy Thursday!  


It was Right to Read Week here at ICS.  What a fun time for all of our students as lots of guest readers were in to share a story (and sometimes treats!) with our students.


Please keep our eighth graders in your prayers as they travel to Holy Rosary Cathedral in Toledo this Saturday morning to be confirmed.  


It seems that warm weather is upon us.  Keep in mind that shorts season is NOT here yet, which also means no capris yet for the girls.  Also, keep an eye on the day's forecast, as we do our best to go outside for recess which is at 11 am.  That means that it may not be quite as warm as it is predicted yet when we are outside, so a jacket is usually necessary!


We are getting low on paper towels.  If you are able to donate some, please send them in with your child(ren).  Thank you.


Hot lunch is available daily in our cafeteria.  Next week's lunch menu is mini corn dogs on Monday, walking taco on Tuesday, French toast on Wednesday, hamburger on Thursday, and  macaroni and cheese on Friday.  March lunch menu 




Our classes are already starting to fill up.  In particular, our preschool is filling up rather quickly.  If you are someone who is considering sending your child here for preschool next year (this includes current preschool families), you will need to get in the registration and the fee as soon as possible.  We have a maximum capacity of 24 students at any time in the preschool room, and we already have some days that are already filled.  


Please go over your registration packet and return the completed forms, along with the registration fee of $160 per k-8 student  ($100 per preschooler).  This allows us to start to plan for the 2025-2026 school year.  We are asking that you return the forms and the registration fee by April 11, which will also give you a chance to win a $500 Option C voucher for the 2025-2026 school year.  Remember, your registration fee guarantees you a spot in the classroom.  


Scholarship materials for 2025-2026 were sent home a few weeks ago.  Please go over the forms and make any corrections, sign, and return, along with your proof of residence.  If you have any questions about this, please reach out to me.


This year's Reverse Raffle is Saturday, April 26.   Please purchase your tickets for the raffle and dinner, and plan to join the Saint Family for an evening of fun, fellowship, and great food (catered by Bubbarock).  We are also looking for volunteers; please contact me if you are willing to help out that evening.


Yearbooks from the 2023-2024 school year are still available.  Please contact the school office if you would like to purchase one.

Breakfast is available daily for all of our students from 7:00-7:30am for $1 which includes milk.

Please be sure to go in to Option C to check your balance and do your best to keep the total below $50 at all times.  You are welcome to send a check or cash into the school in an envelope labeled with your child's name and Option C.

  • Upcoming Dates

    • March 14--no school, end of third quarter

    • March 21--Third Quarter Academic Awards following Morning Announcements

    • March 24-28--Spring Break

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