Happy Thursday!
Please note--we will be having HAMBURGERS tomorrow for school lunch.
We have had another exciting week here at ICS! We began the week celebrating the Feast of the Immaculate Conception as a school in Mass together. Then a day off today! Our gymnasium is getting set up for our program next week, so we were able to practice in there yesterday. We are looking forward to next week!
Continue selling those raffle tickets. We are close to our first school-wide incentive--Hat Day! I also pull a ticket each week and that seller wins Wendy's lunch. The winner last week was Isaiah in second grade. This week's winner is Logan in kindergarten, who will have Wendy's delivered tomorrow.
Just a reminder that we do our best to go outside each day for recess. Please send your children to school with a jacket or coat, hat, gloves, etc. If a junior high student is wearing their hoodie as a jacket, he or she will be asked to remove it in the classroom. We will no longer be handing out hats and gloves to students without, as we need to be careful when sharing such things. This also teaches our students responsibility--when it is cold outside, it is important to come to school prepared.
The PTO is sponsoring its annual Santa Shop. Students shopped with their class during the week. The classes that were scheduled for today will shop tomorrow (2nd, 6th, and any preschoolers who were not here earlier). The Shop will also be open tomorrow morning from 7-7:45 for last minute purchases. Only those students with money will be permitted to go up to the shop tomorrow before school.
Hot lunch is available daily in our cafeteria. Next week's menu is chicken nuggets on Monday, soft taco on Tuesday, Christmas lunch on Wednesday, mini corn dogs on Thursday, and East of Chicago pizza on Friday.
Our Annual Christmas Program for grades k-8 is scheduled for Thursday, December 19. This is a mandatory performance for grades k-5, as well as for band students in 6-8. The preschool program is scheduled for Friday morning, December 20, at 10 am.
Breakfast is available daily for all of our students from 7:00-7:30am for $1 which includes milk.
Please be sure to go in to Option C to check your balance and do your best to keep the total below $50 at all times. You are welcome to send a check or cash into the school in an envelope labeled with your child's name and Option C.
Upcoming Dates
December 13--Santa Shop 7-7:45
December 19--Christmas program 1pm and 6pm
December 20--Preschool Christmas program 10 am
December 20--end of second quarter
December 23-January 3--Christmas Break
January 6--return to school
Coming home Friday
Christmas program reminder